While the girls were at their grandparent’s house today I was able to get quite a bit done in the yard. Here’s the list of accomplishments in no particular order:
- Picked a handful of beans (this morning.)
- Mowed the yard with the riding mower, the trim mower and trimmed with the weedeater.
- Mowed a new pathway into our slope area using the push mower. Yes that’s the same one I nearly blew up last year if you’re wondering! I hope to add a neat little staircase from reclaimed wood eventually. For now I’ll just keep it trimmed and maybe I can get to that this fall.
- Re-mulched and added some salvias to a front corner garden near the road. I also trained a morning glory to climb a twisting plant stake. It should turn into a big column of blooms soon!
- Moved irises from the mailbox garden and the birdbath garden to the new border garden. (I need to show you that.) The irises in the birdbath garden were crowding out some coreopsis and coneflowers and needed to be divided.
- Weeded and pulled an assortment of junk grasses from the vegetable garden. In the process I uprooted some onions that had gotten completely cover in weeds. I put them back in and covered them hopefully they will be fine. They are red onions, my favorite!
- Planted various plants that were ready to go into the ground. Some were raised from cuttings like the penstemon, 3 salvias, crape myrtle and 2 Veronicas. While others were raised from seed like the lavender and a ‘Blue Carpet’ catmint.
- Weeded anywhere I happened to see a rogue weed. When I get into weeding kicks I can just keep on going, there’s always one more weed to pull and I have to consciously stop myself.

Like always there is so much more to do than has actually been accomplished. I still have a pile of mulch that I need to put in the gardens. Just outside of the vegetable garden is a halfway prepped spot with various plants in it that needs mulched and weeded. Maybe next week!
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Beans already! They look great! I haven't even planted mine. Might be a good chore to do today.
Dave, you got a lot done today in the garden. Isnt' it amazing what you can get done when the little ones are visiting someone else? I also found that after I had children, I got much more efficient in the garden because I had to do everything in small bursts. My beans are up but not producing yet. I think I'm going to plant some bush beans this weekend.~~Dee
I'm tired just reading about what you got done!
Wow! You have worked like a madman. I always feel the same way about all I accomplished, there is always so much more to do! The beans look great!
The work is never done in the garden…
I'm jealous of the bean harvest and generally how much you accomplished. I can't start one thing and finish it in one day.
If you were to guess the total time it took you to accomplish those tasks, how long would you say? More or less than six hours. Now add an hourly wage on to that and see how much you need to pay yourself! ;~)
WOW, you were busy, I had a friend's little one over to visit the oter day… let me tell you, I had more jobs when she's been that I did before she came!! I can totally relate to your post!! But what can I say, we had FUN!!