Garden Tips for Before a Frost

As the first frost approaches, now is the time to take essential steps to protect your garden and set yourself up for success next spring. Below are a few simple garden tips that can help you save money and preserve your favorite plants while extending the beauty of your garden into the cooler months.

Propagating Tender Perennial Plants

Propagating perennials is an excellent way to save your plants from frost and enjoy them year after year. Plants like Coleus and Pineapple Sage, often treated as annuals, can be overwintered indoors when propagated properly. Not only is this easy to do, but it will also allow you to get a head start next growing season.

Coleus Propagation

  • Take a healthy cutting from your Coleus plant, ideally with several leaves.
  • Strip the lower leaves to reduce energy consumption and prevent rotting.
  • Place the cutting in a glass of water, ensuring the lower node is submerged.
  • Once roots have formed, transfer the cutting into a pot to grow indoors during winter.

Pineapple Sage Propagation

  • Select a non-blooming stem to take a cutting. This prevents the plant from expending energy on flowers instead of rooting. If you can’t find one not in bloom it’s ok prune off the flowers.
  • Follow the same steps as with the Coleus: strip lower leaves, place in water, and eventually pot indoors.
  • Pineapple Sage leaves are also fragrant and can be used in teas or culinary dishes, providing a pleasant aroma in your home.
Pineapple sage cutting

Transplanting Pepper Plants

Pepper plants, when brought indoors, can continue to thrive and even produce fruit during the colder months. More importantly, by overwintering your pepper plants, you’ll save the cost of purchasing new plants in the spring.

Steps to Overwinter Peppers

  • Prune: Remove any damaged or yellowing leaves, and give your plant a light pruning to encourage bushier growth.
  • Repot: Transplant the pepper plant into a suitable container with fresh soil.
  • Remove Fruit: It’s a good idea to harvest any peppers still on the plant, as they will take up unnecessary energy.
  • Keep your pepper plant in a sunny indoor location where it can continue to grow. With the right care, it may even produce peppers throughout the winter!

Extending Tomato Harvests

Tomato plants can still produce fruit after the first frost if properly protected. You can extend your harvest by using row covers (affiliate) or blankets on frosty nights, especially if the frost is light and temperatures are expected to rise afterward. You may be able to extend the season several weeks depending on your weather and location.

Maximizing Your Tomato Crop

  • Harvest Green Tomatoes: If frost is imminent, pick your green tomatoes and let them ripen indoors. Store them in a cool, dark place or on a sunny windowsill to encourage ripening.
  • Try Fried Green Tomatoes: If you prefer not to wait, fried green tomatoes make a delicious alternative!

Preventing Insect Infestations in Potted Plants

Before bringing any potted plants indoors, it’s essential to rid them of insects that may have nested in the soil. Flooding the pots is a simple and effective way to force insects out.

Getting the bugs out

How to Eliminate Pests

  • Fill a waterproof container with water and submerge the pot to saturate the soil.
  • Let the plant sit for several minutes. The excess water will force insects out of the soil, helping to avoid any unwanted pests indoors.
  • Repeat the process a few times to ensure your plant is pest-free before moving it inside.

Taking the time to prepare your garden before the first frost will pay off immensely come spring. By propagating your favorite perennials, transplanting peppers, protecting your tomato crop, and preventing insect infestations, you’ll not only save money but also ensure that your garden continues to thrive next year. Keep these easy-to-follow tips in mind to maintain your garden’s beauty throughout the winter months.

If you found these tips helpful, be sure to subscribe to Growing the Home Garden on YouTube!

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