A Greening Rain

One of the more vibrant times to observe the yard and garden is just after a rain when the sun is beginning to shine. The rain replenishes and nourishes the plants better than any watering I could do. The leaves are brighter and they glisten with the glaze of the rain still coating them.

Over an inch of needed rain fell today in Tennessee. It cleansed the air and the foliage making the plants seem brighter and healthier. It’s amazing how much better plants respond to rain than water from the tap.

The grass is subject to the rain effect as well, becoming more rich and green right along with the trees and shrubs. A greening rain is what we needed!

2 thoughts on “A Greening Rain”

  1. We got a lot of rain in Indiana, too, and it does make the garden so much greener. My lawn seems to have grown 3 inches since yesterday. I hope it dries up enough so that I can mow it before the next front moves through and brings in more rain.

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  2. Pics are so good. I love the look of your yard & surroundings. Wish I were back in Tn. Things up there are a much deeper green & seems to stay that way. All here by June looks burnt. A very pale green.

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