Hydrangea Propagation (Natural Layering)

Hydrangeas are fantastic garden plants! The flowers are beautiful but even when not in bloom hydrangeas can be a well formed shrub in the garden. Yesterday while walking through the garden I found a hydrangea that had rooted itself on the ground. This is called layering. Layering is a method of plant propagation where you can encourage roots roots to form. You can encourage layering but many plants will do this naturally on their own with a low hanging branch. Below is a little information on hydrangea propagation through layering.

Hydrangea Propagation through Layering

To layer a hydrangea branch simply take a low hanging branch and make sure a node makes contact with the soil. Then pin it with a rock or other heavy object. In a few weeks you can come back to check it and see if roots have emerged. Once they have take the hydrangea branch and clip the part that holds it to the mother plant. Then you can dig it up and replant it! Whenever I do this method of hydrangea propagation I plant it in a pot then let it grow for a while before planting it in the garden.

Hydrangeas can be easily propagated by doing stem cuttings. Here is how to take cuttings on hydrangeas to root.

Hydrangea Flower - Lacecap

A Demonstration on Hydrangea Propagation through Layering:

The following video has an example of a layered hydrangea branch. This branch layered completely on it’s own but is almost exactly the same as if I had pinned the branch myself. Take a look and see what the result of hydrangea propagation looks like!

Rooting Heuchera through Cuttings

You know how I am, if I grow it I see if I can root it! The challenge this time was to root a heuchera from a leaf cutting. It isn’t difficult if you take from the right part of the plant. Just taking a…

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How to Propagate Yew (Taxus x media ‘Densiformis’)

Just recently I checked some cuttings of Densiformis Yew (Taxus x media; also Taxus cuspidata) and found roots! Densiformis Yew is also known as a spreading yew and is a common evergreen shrub in landscape plantings. It makes an attractive foundation planting with its dark…

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The Care and Propagation of Japanese Dappled Willows

For many years now I have really enjoyed the beauty of our Japanese dappled willows (Salix integra). Japanese dappled willows (or tri-colored willows) are gorgeous shrubby willows that grow up to around 10ft tall. These willows are known for their variegated foliage that emerges initially…

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