One major reason many of us garden is to enjoy seeing wildlife. I think it’s pretty rare to find a gardener who doesn’t also enjoy a little bird watching. Birds can be great to have around the garden as well. Kingsyard recently sent me a squirrel proof bird feeder and a bluebird house to put up in my garden. I haven’t been able to put the blue bird house up yet (that post will come later) but I have given the birdfeeder a good test and the results really do speak for themselves, the birds Love it!
(Check out more of their products here: Kingsyard Bird Feeders)
The birdfeeder itself is made of a a wire cage exterior with a plastic container on the inside. The top portion of the container is easy to fill and serves as the supply for the birdseed. The conical top completely covers the plastic. You can put a good amount of seed inside the feeder and the top of the container continues to feed the bottom of the container.

The small birds get easy access to the inside of the feeder and the bird seed. The wire cage wasn’t an issue up to cardinal sized birds. Chickadees, titmice, gold finches, house finches, wrens, and other birds all stopped by for lunch, breakfast, and dinner.

As you can see below the birds are really enjoying the feeder. Birds are really good to have around the garden. It’s not just because they are fun to watch, they are that of course, but also because they are beneficial garden protectors! Birds are insect predators and will happily eat what they can catch. It just makes sense to have the birds around to catch as many unwanted pest insects as possible and help protect your plants. In the winter and times of the year when food may be scarce bird feeders can really help the birds to make it through.

Birds need a few things to thrive: food source, water source, shelter/nesting locations. If you have those three things in place the birds will flock to your garden – literally! Bird feeders like this Squirrel Proof feeder from Kingsyard are one great way to help your backyard feathered friends!
You can find this bird feeder at their website (the first link in this post) or check it out on Amazon here: Kingsyard Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder (aff. link) .
Kingsyard sent me these items to test, try out, and use in my gardens. All opinions expressed in this article are my own.
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