Recently I’ve been fascinated by the largest native American fruit, the pawpaw! Asimina triloba is an amazing plant for its nutrition. Recently I found several pawpaw trees on our property growing in the wooded areas. Since then I’ve been researching other varieties of pawpaw to help improve pollination and produce more of this extremely interesting fruit! Below is a simple list of pawpaw varieties that I’ve run across. I can’t say yet which type is better than any other. Right now just consider this a list you can use to find more information on these pawpaw varieties.
Pawpaw Tree Varieties
- Allegheny™
- Belle
- Collin’s Pawpaw
- Collins
- Convis
- Davis
- Gainesville #1
- Gainesville #2
- Glaser
- Greenriver Belle
- Jonathan
- Kirsten
- KSU-Atwood™
- LA Native
- Lady D
- Lynn’s Favorite
- Mango
- Marla
- Mary Foos Johnson
- Middletown
- Mitchell
- NC-1
- NC-1
- Overleese
- PA-Golden 1
- PA-Golden 2
- PA-Golden 3
- PA-Golden 4
- Potomac™
- Prolific
- Rappahannock™
- Rebecca’s Gold
- Ruby Keenan
- SAA-Overleese
- SAA-Zimmerman
- Shenandoah™
- Sibley
- Sothern Seedling
- Sue
- Sun-Glo
- Sunflower
- Sunflower
- Susquehanna™
- Sweet Alice
- Sweet Potato
- Sweet Virginia
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taytwo
- Tollgate
- Wabash™
- WelIs
- Wilson
- Zimmerman