Looking Ahead

It’s amazing how fast time flies, isn’t it? It seems like just a short time ago I posted my 2010 garden project list (which I can never fully complete!) Soon it will be time to write a new project list and bring back some of those projects that have been hanging around for years! I’ll have that list up after the 1st of the year but there are many things to start thinking about now in the garden like seed starting, planning new planting beds, and moving plants to better locations. All of that will have to wait a few days more until I have some time to get to it.

As for seeds I’m hoping to get some winter sowing started very soon. Winter sowing is great for plants that like some cold stratification. It doesn’t take much effort to winter sow which makes it a favored method of seed starting for many gardeners! I also have a magnolia I started from seed that needs moved before warmer weather comes along.

Two book reviews will be on their way in the coming weeks also. But what I am most excited about in the weeks ahead is the opportunity to blog for the Tennessee Gardener Magazine. Many of you may be familiar with the State-by-State Gardening magazines that offer gardening articles catered to each state and now once a week or so I’ll have a blog post up on their website in 2011. It will be a fun way share more gardening experiences with more people! (I think I’ll save the blowing up the lawnmower stories for this blog though!)

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas with friends and family!

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7 thoughts on “Looking Ahead”

  1. It is time to start those lists. Getting ready to go to Lowes now for greenhouse things. Your greenhouse is adorable, I just love the colors. Now, maybe your wife and my husband won't heave those heavy sighs about our 'collection' of seed containers and random lights.

  2. Dave, your shed looks wonderful, just like a little house. I am already thinking seeds, but I need to buy a stand alone seed starting light set up, still thinking on this one.


  3. Gail,

    I think maybe they have another that will be doing a fine job as well!


    Thanks! I've used a standard shop light for several years on an old dresser in a closet. Seems to work OK except for the space it takes up.


    A lot of perennials work well for winter sowing. Coneflowers, rudbeckia, and many others. If planting instructions say cold stratification is needed it's a good candidate!

  4. I hope you had a fantastic Christmas with your family, Dave. I would say you got a credible amount of your gardening goals achieved this past year, even with the addition of a baby to the family. We'll be excited to see what you come up with next year for achieved projects.

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