My rain garden is well underway and now is the time to plan my next project. I still need to plant the rain garden so it will remain on the list but there are a host of other projects to talk about. This will be the first of two posts. One post is just to list what has been started and how things are going and one to cover what I have been thinking about starting in the near future.
First here’s what has been done or at least begun from the list:
Privacy Hedge:
Our Canadian hemlock privacy screen was planted. The plants are small but will eventually grow up to provide a thick hedge. Recently I built up the ground around the hemlocks with soil from the rain garden excavation to help drain the water better around the trees. The water from my neighbor’s yard was backing up into our yard which gave them too much water and they don’t like wet feet. I’m considering incorporating some other elements to the hemlock privacy screen but haven’t decided what yet.
Driveway water drainage problem:
The rain garden is structurally done. It still needs to be tested by a good rain and the plants need to be planted. Here are the posts that follow the rain garden so far.
The First Step to Recovery
Digging the rain Garden
On Today’s Agenda: Working on the Rain Garden
The Rain Garden is Almost Done
Plant bulbs:
I listed this item as tulips on my To-Do list but I also put in daffodils. Now I just need to wait and watch.
December and Still Digging
Arbor Day Trees:
All are planted either in the ground or in the trough planter.
Arbor Day Experiment Part 1
Arbor Day Experiment Part 2
Arbor Day Tree Update 1 or Do Deer Use Pruners
How do you stay so organized?
Your rain garden project is very interesting and ambitious. I’ve considered doing the same, or having a mini dry creek bed, but am instead just planting willow, zebra grass, those types of things where a downspout is (and that may one day have a rain barrel). And for other posts on your blog, I planted two of the larger nepeta this summer (1st year garden), so we’ll see how they do. The small plants did keep blooming all summer long, and either there are many neighborhood cats, or all city cats converge here now–we’ve had several climbing fences to get in, but no one rolling in the cat mint!