Here is a list of topics about propagating plants for your home landscape that I’ve written about here on Growing The Home Garden. The first four posts have some important information on propagating plants while the individual plant posts offer information about propagating the plant in question as well as my own experiences with them. Enjoy!
Plant Propagation Techniques
What is Plant Propagation?
Plant propagation has to be my favorite subject! Plant propagation is one of the most inexpensive ways to make more plants and expand your gardens. There are several methods of propagating plants and three of the most common ways are through through division, through layering, and through cuttings. Each of these methods has a few advantages that are worth looking at. Some of these methods will work for some plants but may not be effective for others. Here is a short summary of these methods.
Plant Propagation Method: Division
Dividing plants is a very good method of propagation for many clump forming species of plants. Hostas, heucheras, daylilies, ornamental grasses, and many other perennials will not only tolerate but sometimes need to be divided. It is better to divide most plants in the spring when they are actively growing and the roots can take some abuse but some will successfully divide in the fall. You don’t have to divide plants until they have developed a dead hole toward the center, but if you would like more plants faster, divide away!

Plant Propagation Method: Layering

Layering is a safe strategy for many plants. It involves burying a length of a low growing stem underneath the soil until it develops roots. Then the gardener can sever the new plant from the mother plant and plant somewhere else in the garden. To speed up the process the stem can be wounded and applied with rooting hormone but many plants naturally layer by themselves. Viburnums, forsythias, and azaleas are good candidates for layering along with many other shrubs. This is a safe method of propagation since the stem remains attached to the main plant until roots are formed. There is very little risk involved for the cuttings. The biggest disadvantage is that you can’t make as many plants as you can with cuttings.
Plant Propagation Method: Cuttings
This is probably the area I have the most fun experimenting with in my garden. There are several different types of cuttings you can take from stem tips to basal root cuttings. Some plants take to cuttings readily while others can be a difficult challenge. Most perennials will easily work with stem tip cuttings or basal stem cuttings. Trees and shrubs can be more difficult, but if the plant creates suckers there may be good rooting material. My favorite shrub for propagating through cuttings is the red twig dogwood. I’ve found that they work best as hardwood cuttings done over winter. Salvias, verbena, Russian sage, catmint and many other perennials work well as stem tip cuttings.
More Information on Plant Propagation for Home Gardens
The links below will give you some solid information about the process and procedures for propagating plants.
- Propagating Plants: The Basics of Cuttings
- Plant Propagation through Hardwood Cuttings
- 10 Easy Plants to Propagate for Your Home Garden
- What in the World are Plant Patents?
- Division: Divide and Conquer!
- Layering
- Building a Plant Holding Bed
Propagating Shrubs and Trees
The links below will give you specifics from my experience on how I’ve propagated various plants. Many of the techniques cross over to other plants.
- Birch Tree (Betula nigra) from cuttings
- Caryopteris (Blue Mist Shrub)
- Crape Myrtle Propagation by Cuttings
- Red Twig Dogwood
- Beautyberry from Cuttings
- Deciduous Magnolia through layering (‘Jane’ magnolia)
- Dwarf English Laurel
- Pyracanthus augustifolia (Firethorn)
- Ninebark Propagation from Cuttings
- Japanese Dappled Willow (Salix integra) Cuttings Water Method
- Butterfly Bush Cuttings Making Progress
- Butterfly Bush Propagation Progress Update (Progress report on Butterfly Bush Cuttings)
- Grape Vines from Greenwood Cuttings
- Holly Cuttings
- Hydrangeas: Variegated (macrophylla), Update
- Hydrangeas: Oak Leaf (Hydrangea quercifolia)
- Hydrangeas: More on Oak Leaf Hydrangea
- Burning Bush (Euonymous alata)
- Purple Leaf Plum Propagation
- Densiformis Yew
- Leyland Cypress
- Viburnum Cuttings
- Viburnum, Arrowwood (Viburnum dentatum)
Propagating Perennials and Annuals
- Russian Sage Cuttings (Plant Propagation Update)
- Achillea millifolium
- Coleus Cuttings
- Catmint Cuttings (Nepeta faassinii)
- Propagating: Russian Sage, Salvia, and Coneflower
- Asiatic Lily Propagation
- Artemsia ‘Powis Castle’
- Persian Shield (Strobinlanthus dyerianus)
- Salvia
- Husker’s Red Penstemon Propagation
How to Propagate Catmint from Cuttings (Nepeta faassinii)
Last Saturday I was shopping at a nursery where I found a ‘Walker’s Low’ Catmint (Nepeta faassinii). I’ve talked about the benefits of Nepeta before so it may not be a surprise that I bought one. I planted the new perennial the other day in…
Two Cool Plants to Propagate in Spring: Agastache and Salvia
My addiction to plant propagation has reemerged from it’s winter slumber. It’s Spring which means it is time to get many kinds of cuttings ready for growing. It’s still early and many of the plants I’d like to propagate still don’t have adequate foliage but…
How to Make a Simple DIY Home Plant Propagation System
Making your own plant propagation chamber is not a difficult task at all. For the home gardener who is only doing a few cuttings at a time propagate plants for friends and family a plant propagation chamber can be a VERY simple project. In fact…
How to EASILY Propagate Switchgrass through Division
Ornamental grasses are some of the easiest plants to propagate and they look so good in the garden. Today I potted up seven rooted sections of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). Four of them were ‘Shenandoah’ which gains a reddish coloring in the leaves in late summer…
Growing More Plants Through Plant Propagation: Variegated Hydrangeas, and Perennials
Even though the summer is upon us it’s still a good time to propagate plants. The key is to keep cuttings moist and at a steady temperature until roots have formed. Then they can be easily acclimated to outdoor temperatures. I do all of my…
How to Grow Heucheras (Coral Bells) from Seed
With all the nasty but necessary weather we’ve been having lately it’s been hard to get out in the garden to work. What’s a gardener to do? Talk about the seedlings growing inside! Today I’m going to give you an update on how I am…
How to Propagate Grape Vines through Greenwood Cuttings
Last week I made some cuttings of my ‘Concord’ grape vine in an attempt to make a few more vines. Grapes are great edible plants to have in the garden whether you like eating them at the table, making juice, or even making wine. Grapes…
How to Propagate Husker’s Red Penstemon and Russian Sage
It’s that time of the year again. That time when I go out and take cuttings of everything I can. For today’s post I took 6 cuttings of a ‘Husker’s Red’ Penstemon (Penstemon digitalis) and 6 cuttings of Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia). I picked up…
How to Propagate Plum Trees from Hardwood Cuttings
Last year my plum tree was the victim of a savage deer rubbing attack. The bark was stripped all the way around the trunk leaving no possibility of water passing toward the top of the tree through the cambium layer. It was frustrating to say…
How to Propagate Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius)
Ninebark (Physocarpus) is a beautiful garden shrub that grows up to around 10 ft tall in the right location. Many varieties of ninebark have been developed for gardeners including ‘Diabolo’™/’Diablo’™ and ‘Coppertina’™ and can be a great addition to add a nice copper color to…