Plant By Plant Guide of How to Propagate Plants

Here is a little guide on various plants that you can propagate in your home garden. I’ve included the types of propagation where I’ve been successful (seeds, Layering, Division, Cuttings, etc.).  If I can do it so can you! The links in the tables below will take you to posts I have written as a guide based on my experiences with propagating these plants. My propagation methods are not necessarily the only way or the best way but I have found success with them. I hope this is a helpful resource for you to propagate more plants.

Propagating Perennials

Common NameBotanical NameMethods of Propagation
Agastache (Anise hyssop)Agastache foeniculumCuttings, Seeds
Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’Artemisia arborescens x Artemisia absinthiumCuttings, Layering
Asiatic LilyLiliumDivision, Seeds, Leaf Cuttings/Bulbils
MilkweedAsclepias incarnataCuttings, Seeds
CatmintNepeta racemosaCuttings, Division, Seeds
ConeflowerEchinacea purpurea, E. paradoxa, E. augustifoliaCuttings, Division, Seeds
HostaHosta plantagineaDivision, Seeds (may not come true from seed)
Montauk DaisyNipponanthemum nipponicumCuttings
PenstemonPenstemon digitalisCuttings, Division, Seeds
Russian SagePerovskia atriplicifoliaHardwood and Softwood Cuttings
SalviaSalvia nemorosaCuttings, Seeds
SwitchgrassPanicum virgatumDivision, Seeds

Propagating Shrubs and Trees

Trees and shrubs can be propagated from a variety of methods.  Always get good, clean, disease free material when taking cuttings. For best results choose material from 1st year growth.

Common NameBotanical NamePropagation Method
ArborvitaeThuja occidentalisCuttings
BuckeyeAesculus paviaSeed
Birch (River)Betula nigraCuttings
Crape Myrtle/Crepe MyrtleLagerstroemia indicaCuttings, Seeds
Honeysuckle (Native)Lonicera sempervirensCuttings
GinkgoGingko bilobaSeeds
HydrangeaH. macrophylla, H. serrata Cuttings
Hydrangea (Oak Leaf)Hydrangea quercifoliaCuttings, Seeds
Japanese MapleAcer palmatumCuttings, Grafting, Seeds
Leyland CypressCupressus × leylandiiCuttings
Magnolia, Sweetbay Magnolia virginianaCuttings, Seeds
NinebarkPhysocarpus opulifoliusCuttings
Plum, FruitingPrunusCuttings
Red Twig DogwoodCornus sericea, C. alba Cuttings
Viburnum ‘Shasta’Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosaCuttings, Layering

Propagating Annuals

Common NameBotanical NameMethods of Propagation
Coleus Coleus scutellarioidesCuttings, Seeds
Impatiens Impatiens wallerianaCuttings, Seeds
Petunia PetuniaSeeds
ZinniaZinnia elegansSeeds

Propagating Herbs

Common NameBotanical NameMethods of Propagation
BasilOcimum basilicumCuttings, Seeds
LavenderLavandula angustifoliaCuttings, Seeds
OreganoOriganum vulgareCuttings, Division, Seeds
SteviaStevia rebaudianaCuttings, Seeds

This page is in progress and will be updated periodically with information on how to propagate these plants. For specific information on how to propagate plants and links to posts on some of the plants I have propagated go to this post on basic plant propagation for home gardeners.

Rooting Heuchera through Cuttings

You know how I am, if I grow it I see if I can root it! The challenge this time was to root a heuchera from a leaf cutting. It isn’t difficult if you take from the right part of the plant. Just taking a…

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How to Propagate Leyland Cypress from Cuttings

Plant propagation can continue at almost every time of the year, the winter is no exception. This is especially true if you have a little space in your house to put your cuttings or can manage to manipulate them into interesting centerpieces! In this post…

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Plant Propagation Cloner

I came across a video today on Youtube that I thought was a fantastic demonstration of how to build a plant propagation cloner! This is a DIY project I would love to try when I have a bit more time. If you have tried something…

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2 thoughts on “Plant By Plant Guide of How to Propagate Plants”

  1. I am an experienced gardener. For months I have been attempting to root coleus with NO success? As I have done for years, I put the cuttings in water in a clear glass near my kitchen sink, so I will see the roots easily. Instead of growing roots, the ends of the stems get very soft and fall apart. I do not give up easily, so I try more cuttings, with the same result. Does anyone have an idea what is going on?

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