Pruning a Japanese Dappled Willow Severely

I love our Japanese dappled willow hedgeline but in reality it is way overdue for a pruning. In fact 2 of the shrubs were completely dead. That was mostly due to the ever changing conditions in the garden. As the nearby birch trees grew they shaded out the smaller shrub willows. With little sunlight the dappled willows had no chance at survival.

Of course before I began the process of cutting the dappled willows back I took cuttings. Willows tend to be extremely easy to propagate. I view it as an insurance policy in case all of my shrubs were not to make it. Thanks for watching the video below!

Pruning a Dappled Willow Severely

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Complete Care guide on Japanese dappled willows: Care and Propagation of Japanese Dappled Willows.

Dave’s Top Ten Chores for the Fall Garden

Not to be confused with any other Dave’s top ten list. This is a list of the top ten chores that I need to to in my yard and garden from now until the middle of fall. They aren’t in any particular order and I…

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About Growing The Home Garden

Thank you for stopping by to visit this little corner of the gardening world. This blog is about my experiences in our first home garden, hence the name The Home Garden. I’ve been studying gardening and experimenting with plant propagation on my own now for…

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Mediteranean White Heath Beginning to Bloom

Not many plants bloom in the dead of winter but you can count on Mediterranean White Heath (Erica x darleyensis) to put on a subtle show.  It blooms with tiny little snow colored blossoms that (at least in my Tennessee garden) emerge during January and…

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Miscanthis Sinensis Tassels Waving in the Wind

Though it is listed in the invasive plants list for Tennessee the very quality that makes Miscanthis sinensis so invasive makes it fun to have in the garden, the seeds!  Ornamental grasses of all kinds add great fall color interest with their seed heads or…

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