A Rad Harvest

No you’re not having a bad 80’s flashback. The word rad in the title doesn’t refer to big hair glam bands or jelly shoes but rather radishes! How could you even think of the other stuff? The radishes are in from the vegetable garden and are quite tasty.

Here’s the bunch I pulled today. There are still a few more in the garden that were to small to pull. I’ll see if they will grow a little more then I’ll harvest them.

Here they are all cleaned up and ready for human consumption! There were ten radishes in all. The largest of them is in the upper right of the photo.

Here is a close-up of the smallest of the bunch. The two tiny radishes in the next two pictures should have stayed in the garden longer but I accidentally pulled them and didn’t want to put them back. The smaller the radish the bigger the taste. These two little one’s were so tempting…

that they are now…


I can tell you though that the radish in the last photograph was the strongest! So what can I do with the rest of them other than eat them raw with dip, in a potato salad, or in a garden salad?

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13 thoughts on “A Rad Harvest”

  1. Great looking radishes Dave. Hope you enjoyed them. I’ve found that the last few times I’ve grown them they are very “hot” tasting. What would cause that or is it the kind? Any suggestions? I like radishes but not when they are so “hot” or “spicy”.
    Just planted some more just the other day so will see if they are the same.

  2. HI Dave, I am amazed that you still have good radishes, ours bolted long ago, before we really got more that a couple of harvests. ;-< Yolanda of Bliss showed hers on a sandwich with butter, it looked good but we never got to do it. When did you plant your seeds?

  3. I planted some seed a while back and got nothing but blooming plants! The veggie never matured! Strange as this has never happened to me before! Too hot to try now…

  4. I harvested mine a little while ago. Most of them were tasty, but one was very hot. It was very strange to have only one hot one.

  5. Those are big rads! The color is groovey. I had jelly shoes and they gave me blisters. I had neon pens too and colored all kinds of posters that decorated my walls. I ate rads then and I love them now. Peace out!

  6. Beautiful radishes Dave.I’m not familiar with any other ways of eating them other than what you’ve described.They certainly would give a nice zing to potato salad:). Cheers!

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