It’s taken me all summer to get to it but I’m finally taking the first steps toward changing the vegetable garden to the parterre layout. I had some of the blocks sitting around for months now and others I borrowed from our patio sidewalk expansion which I just haven’t had time to get to this summer. Using the stone for the border is more expensive than wood but will last much longer.
For a comparison take the $2.50 cost per foot of these stone blocks and compare it with a piece of lumber somewhere around $5-6 for a 10 foot piece. That comes to about $0.50-$0.60 per foot which makes the stone about 5 times more expensive. The big advantage is that it won’t ever rot and it looks pretty good!
So far I only have one small portion of the raised bed vegetable garden put together. Even it still needs several more blocks placed to complete the beds. These beds are going to be planted ASAP with some more winter greens. Pak choy sounds good and maybe more spinach.

Ever tried potatoes in the fall? This one was a volunteer in a large nursery pot I was using for a weeding bucket. I’m tempted to wrap the top area where you see the metal stakes in plastic to create a little greenhouse effect. I’m theorizing here but I might just be able to get some potatoes by December. We’ll see! The neat thing about potatoes in a pot is that when they are ready all you need to do is dump the pot to get the potatoes.
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I like the stones. They'll last forever and if you change your mind, you can rearrange them.
My garden is bracing for the first frost. We'll see. A light rain falling right now so I don't think it will be tonight.
I love rocks/stones in the garden. Your veggie area looks great…hmmmm fall potatoes.
It looks great. I've started to change my timber to concrete. Like you said "it won't rot".
I've got mescalin ready to harvest. Baby Bok Choy. Kale. Bell/banana peppers still producing. Got to check out that sweet potato vine that is growing everywhere. Do they make potatoes? Okra? 2 pods. Think I'll let them dry for seed. Hope that works
Very nice! Those stones really make it look like a pathway, it works great!
If you live in an area with very rocky soil (like I do), you can actually get your rocks for free. There is usually an excess of pretty big rocks when people do their landscaping, and they just set up a sign to take whatever you want! It works great for my garden!
I just planted my fall garden about ten days ago here in the desert. Then we had about a week of over 100 F. So we'll see what comes up. My tomato plant looks good, and the chard is coming up, but so far nothing else. I like the new look of your blog.
I just LOVE the stones around your raised bed garden! I am attempting to garden in large plastic containers because I have moved to AZ! But, so far it is working out all right. The garden is still somewhat small though so I haven't posted a picture of it yet.