Seeds for 2008 Part 1

I started the seed selection process the other day. I ordered seeds through the American Horticultural Society’s seed exchange. I wasn’t able to contribute seeds to the exchange this year but they do allow you donate $5 and pick ten different selections from this year’s list.

Here is what I picked:

Rudbeckia hirta
Agastache foeniculum
Asclepia tuberosa (Butterfly weed)
Dianthus deltoides ‘Arctic Fire’
Echinacea purperea
Echinacea purperea ‘White Swan’
Iris ensata
Campsis radicans (Trumpet creeper)
Ipomoea purpurea ‘Grandpa Otts’
Stokesia laevis (Stokes Aster Mix)
Liatris Spicata

I’m looking forward to the coneflowers and the butterfly weed. I have some coneflowers in our birdbath garden area but I think they are the ‘Sunset’ variety. The ‘White Swan’ would look good near our asters in the front yard. The trumpet creeper might work well on an arbor I’m planning as would the morning glory (Ipomoea). If you count my list above you will find 11 seed types. This is not a mistake, one of those is a possible substitution if they run out of another. Unfortunately I don’t remember which one it is! I think it’s the rudbeckia but I can’t say for sure.

Rest assured there are more seeds to come! Now I just have to figure out what they are!

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2 thoughts on “Seeds for 2008 Part 1”

  1. If the seeds fail to take I have some of those plants I could give you. But knowing how good you are with cuttings I bet all the seeds will take! Good luck! I myself HATE starting perennials with seed-usually only annuals.

    February’s Perennial Plant Society meeting will be “Dear Deer, Please Don’t Eat Here!” Should be a great program. It is on February 19 at 7:00 pm. The location has changed to another venue which I believe is Hillsboro Church of Christ. 200 members come so LOTS of gardeners to talk to and learn from-in addition to all of the blogs I read and learn from-your included!

  2. I’ll try just about anything even perennial seeds! Many take about 2 seasons to do anything significant. Annuals do get you the quick satisfaction, nothing wrong with that!

    That meeting sounds interesting. I’ve got deer maybe they have a solution. It might be doable, it depends on the kids though!

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