Things to do In the Vegetable Garden

All this rain has put me behind on planting in the garden. The tomatoes and peppers are doing good but there is more to the garden than tomatoes and peppers! Hopefully this week I’ll get a chance to accomplish a few of these things:

  • Plant my succession crops of beans, corn, squash and zucchini.
  • Build a better trellis for my cucumbers. I want an “A” Frame trellis for them to climb. Right now I’ve used bamboo stakes and a piece of leftover fencing to make one but I would like it to look nicer!
  • Replace a couple of partially eaten tomato plants. Something out there has the nibbles and I haven’t figured out what yet.
  • Fix up the perennial beds that don’t exist yet around the outside of the garden.
  • Plant the marigolds! They do an effective job against nematodes that cause various problems.
  • Plant the pole beans. I was waiting for the corn to grow a little higher first but I may as well get going. Sunlight has been an issue with all the rain and things just aren’t growing at a normal pace yet. 
  • Enjoy the lettuce, spinach, snap peas, and strawberries that are coming!

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4 thoughts on “Things to do In the Vegetable Garden”

  1. You have been busy and seems like you are about to get busier! We just got over our rain a few days ago and now it’s cold and windy again! I need some time in the yard and gardens to get things done!

  2. You have so many yummy things growing!
    I interplanted marigolds grown from seed with some of my veggies this year, hoping for an easy, organic and attractive pest-repellant. We’ll see!

  3. You've got a lot to do Dave. Seems there is always something to be done in the garden.
    My pole beans are starting to climb up the bamboo tee pee that I fixed for them. Bush Beans {yellow} are blooming. I ate my first Blueberry & Sweet 100 tomato the other day. Squashes are blooming.
    I've got so much it keeps me hopping to keep up {or try to}.
    I'm glad it's stopped raining for a bit anyway.

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