It’s been a while since I’ve recapped any of the older posts here at Growing The Home Garden. Since today I’ll be at the Bloom N’ Garden Expo I thought I would put together a quick recap post for the Friday Fives. The posts listed in this post have been around for a while and continue to be some of the most popular posts on this website. Some newer subscribers may not have read these yet so here’s you’re chance! (Not that they are going anywhere any time soon!)
5 Popular Posts from Growing The Home Garden!
Designing a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden: 11 Things To Think About. This is perhaps the most popular post of all of them. I wrote 11 tips for gardeners designing a garden using raised beds that are all based on my observations made from gardening with my own raised beds!
- Vegetable Garden Layout Using Raised Beds. In this post I wrote about the layout of the vegetable garden back in 2009. It also has a little bit of background information about the evolution of our vegetable garden and a to do list from way back! To do lists can be helpful even if it isn’t your garden they are meant for!
Fall Vegetable Garden Layout for a 4’x8′ Raised Bed. Here again we’re talking about raised beds! This time I put together a planned arrangement for my fall garden. The design shows how much you can really plant in one 4’x8′ raised bed. Click on the picture or the link to see the post.
- Why You Shouldn’t Plant a Bradford Pear But Some People Do Anyway! This one always gets a lot of traffic in the spring when the Bradfords are in bloom. They are beautiful trees but extremely problematic. I really advocate against using them in the landscape. If you want a pear tree, plant one you can eat from otherwise plant something else!
A Companion Planting Vegetable Garden Layout. This post has a garden layout that includes the concept of companion planting. It’s not a complete guide to companion planting but you can find some more information on that in this Friday Five Post on Companion Planting. What the post does have is a layout of a garden bed using tomatoes, onions, marigolds, and cucumbers. There are tons of ways to arrange a garden and this is just one option!
As you can see the raised bed gardening posts are some of the most popular here at Growing The Home Garden. Hopefully you can find some use for these posts in your gardening journey!
If you’re in our area (Middle TN/Spring Hill/Franklin/Columbia) and happen to be at the Bloom N’ Garden Expo today stop by and say hi to the Spring Hill Garden Club folks! I’ll be there between 11 AM -1 PM but if you’re interested in meeting other people who are passionate about garden stop by and talk to us!
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