United States Native Tree Propagation List

Here is a table of 20 common native trees and how to propagate them. If I have written a post about these I have linked to them in the table. Otherwise the list of sources is below and you can check out some of the great information they contain. Enjoy and Happy Plant Propagating!

TreeBotanical NameHardiness ZoneSeed GrowingPropagation
Sugar MapleAcer saccharum3-8Sow seeds in fall or springGrafting, air layering, or softwood cuttings
Eastern RedbudCercis canadensis4-9Soak seeds and sow in fall or springGrafting, air layering, or hardwood cuttings
American BeechFagus grandifolia4-9Sow seeds immediately in fall or springGrafting or layering
Tulip PoplarLiriodendron tulipifera4-9Sow seeds in fall or springGrafting or softwood cuttings
Eastern White PinePinus strobus3-8Sow seeds in fall or springGrafting or softwood cuttings
American HollyIlex opaca6-9Sow seeds in fall or springLayering, softwood cuttings, or seeds
Black WalnutJuglans nigra4-9Sow seeds immediately in fall or springGrafting or seeds
Eastern RedcedarJuniperus virginiana2-9Sow seeds in fall or springLayering, cuttings, or seeds
SweetgumLiquidambar styraciflua5-9Sow seeds in fall or springGrafting, cuttings, or seeds
American BasswoodTilia americana3-9Sow seeds in fall or springGrafting, layering, or softwood cuttings
HackberryCeltis occidentalis4-9Sow seeds in fall or springGrafting, softwood cuttings, or seeds
American SycamorePlatanus occidentalis4-9Sow seeds in fall or springHardwood cuttings or seeds
SassafrasSassafras albidum5-9Sow seeds in fall or springLayering, softwood cuttings, or seeds
Eastern HemlockTsuga canadensis3-7Sow seeds in fall or springGrafting or layering
BaldcypressTaxodium distichum5-9Sow seeds in springGrafting, air layering, or seeds
American HornbeamCarpinus caroliniana4-9Sow seeds in fall or springLayering, softwood cuttings, or seeds
Black GumNyssa sylvatica3-9Sow seeds in fall or springGrafting, layering, or seeds
Flowering DogwoodCornus florida5-9Sow seeds in fall or springLayering, softwood cuttings, or seeds
American HophornbeamOstrya virginiana4-9Sow seeds in fall or springLayering, softwood cuttings, or seeds
American PersimmonDiospyros virginiana4-9Sow seeds in fall or springGrafting, softwood cuttings, or seeds



Still Standing -My Bradford Pear Tree

For years now I have complained about our Bradford Pear Trees. In my mind they are one of the most problematic trees ever planted in the landscape. I despise Bradford Pear trees. There are so many reasons why Bradford pear trees are terrible for planting that I constantly wonder WHY…

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Why Bradford Pear Trees Are Junk Trees

It’s taken a few years before my premonitions came to fruition. It’s not that I wanted it to happen I just expected it.  It was inevitable and couldn’t be avoided.  The ‘Bradford’ Pear tree in my front yard split. No storm brought damaging high winds that would wreak havoc among…

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Japanese Maple on Fire!

Of all the fall colors I’ve seen this year the Japanese maples seem to have topped all other trees.  This Japanese maple at my mom’s house was figuratively on fire with red foliage lighting up the scenery.  I didn’t have my camera with me when it was at its peak…

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How to Save Seeds from Redbud Trees

Fall is a great time of the year for seed saving. Our plants have spent their time over the summer building up energy to produce seeds which will one day sprout, grow, and create new plants. Seedlings are essential to the diversity of a species. When open pollinated plants share…

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