Useful Garden Resources

Here are a few garden resources that you may find useful. I highly recommend the resources in the first section below and have used all of them on a semi-regular or more frequent basis. The Garden Resource Directory section contains other resources and sponsors that may also be of interest to you.

Highly Recommended Garden Resources:

-A good place to find the technical info on various plants.

– If you are concerned about invasive plants in Tennessee read up at the TEPPC

– If you are concerned about invasive plants in the southeast read up at the SE-EPPC

– a great site to help identify wildflowers you may not know.

– Nashville’s most well known botanical garden – a great place to visit!

  • American Horticultural Society -The AHS also produces The American Gardener, a very useful magazine a very useful magazine for gardeners. Each year the AHS has a seed exchange which is a great way to get seeds economically!
  • Dave’s Garden Watchdog – Contains recommendations for many of the top nurseries.

Garden Supplies (affiliate links)

Great Books for Your Gardening Library