Vegetables for 2010, Any Suggestions?

Every year I like to try a few new vegetables in the garden. New varieties add a little extra interest to the same old tomatoes and cucumbers that we grow every year. Sometimes the new varieties stick around in the memory and will be planted the next year and other times they are better left forgotten! I started my list making this weekend but haven’t nailed down any specific varieties as of yet so I thought I would throw the question to you! What vegetables varieties do you recommend for my garden in 2010? And if you will, also tell me what varieties you would never try again in your garden.

The following list is what I usually plant as far as basic vegetable types. I’m not listing any specific varieties here since I’m leaving that part up to you!

  • beans (bush)
  • beans (pole)
  • beets
    • Detroit Dark Red Beet (suggested by: Monica)
  • broccoli
    • purple sprouting (suggested by: Rob)
  • cabbage
    • Savoy cabbage (suggested by: Ferne)
  • cantaloupe
  • carrots 
  • corn
  • cucumber
  • lettuce
  • onion
  • peas (sugar snap)
  • pepper
  • pumpkin (ornamental)
  • radishes
  • spinach
  • summer squash
    • Patty pan squash (suggested by JP)
  • tomato
    • Back Krim (Heirloom) (suggested by: Tee Riddle)
    • Opalka (Heirloom) (suggested by JP)
    • Costoluto Genovese, Striped German, and any Oxheart variety (suggested by: Ferne)
  • watermelon
  • zucchini

So tell me what new vegetable varieties do you recommend I try in 2010?
(I’ll try to update the list as suggestions appear!)

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16 thoughts on “Vegetables for 2010, Any Suggestions?”

  1. Trying to decide what to grow is a love/hate kind of thing for me. I love it because the possibilities of what to grow in my garden leaves me feeling like a kid in a candy store. I hate it because I have limited space for gardening, which means that there are many vegetables that get axed from the wish list.

    So two recommendations I have are for the two vegetables you mentioned… tomatoes and cucumbers. For tomatoes, have a try at Black Krim, and for cucumbers try Diva. Both of these are varieties that I have never grown before but will give a go in 2010.

    Happy Gardening in 2010, and I can't wait to see what vegetables you plan to grow this year.

  2. Swiss chard is a must as is Chinese cabbage. Both are great for greens. I also like turnip greens-all three are green and producing even now. I am going different this year, I plan to try to grow bushel gourds instead of birdhouse gourds. Veggie I'd never grow again? Can't think of any but do know I need to pare down my selection due to no room and no sun:(

  3. Hi Dave,

    Have you ever tried purple sprouting brocoli? An absolute delicacy in my books.

    Artichoke/Cardoon. I love artichokes (though I appreciate they take time to prepare for cooking)but they look really architectural as a plant in amongst the flowers.

    Popular over here is salsify, a root crop which has a delicate flavour.


  4. Well I can grow all the type of vegetables in my garden but unfortunately i don't have so much space there so I will also like to grow tomatos and cucumber in my garden.I love these two vegetable a lot.
    Rose Smith
    Manual Push Lawn Mower

  5. Being new to the gardening lark, I can't comment from experience, but the two must-grow things for my first year were Horse Radish and Mooli Radish.

    Oh, and Salsify.

    That keeps on happening; the list just grows and grows!

  6. pattypan squash, celeriac, pac choi, parsnips, and opalka tomatoes for sauce. I love pelleted seeds for carrots and lettuce because then I'm not wasting a single seed and I don't have to thin.
    I'm breaking up with juliet tomatoes and red mini bell peppers, because both were too small and not as flavorful as I like. I grew artichokes and cardoons as well – beautiful plants, but I won't give up garden space for them anymore as they become enormous! I hope to find a different spot for them.
    Thanks for the fun!

  7. For Cabbages I like any Savoy Cabbage. The Diva Cucumber is a great choice. I love heirloom tomatoes any of the blacks and always have to have a Costoluto Genovese and Striped German and any oxheart variety, they make the best sauces. There are so many more that I always have to have that I usually end up with about 20 different tomato plants.

  8. I second Black Krim. Though less than a dozen fruits made it to the table, thanks to the cool, rainy summer. they were delicious.

  9. I agree with patty pan squash. I hope to grow some this summer after a garden friend gave me some to try last year.

    I'll add purple hull peas to your list & German black tomatoes.

  10. Sweet peppers, they are delicious and expensive, worth growing. Also eggplants: black beauty and lavender touch. I planted leek last year and they turned out very good. I learned that you can cut about 1" above the roots and planted it again. I am trying this and so far they are doing well. Many varieties are very cold hardy.

  11. Dave, Nantes was a carrot we tried last year: lovely shape, sweet, all around a great pick.

    Tomatoes: I see you already have Black Krim; another heirloom is called Pineapple that we will again grow this year (ordered from Territorial)… both, wonderful flavors!

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