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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
5 Gardening Resolutions for 2012
This year I’ll be adding a little bit of my garden writing to a local website called Spring Hill Fresh. Their goal is to highlight Spring Hill, TN and the local area which is one of the fastest growing areas of Tennessee. Spring Hill Fresh offers us locals news about current events, local happenings, and local business. A couple times a…
Irises in Spring
Irises! when you think of springtime, do you think of irises? Of course I’m sure you think of all kinds of flowering plants, bulbs, and trees but irises are distinct. They offer a variety of colors, of shapes, and sizes to decorate the spring garden. The irises in my garden have recently begun to color our gardens with their displays…
Rock ‘n Roll
How do you move three giant boulders? Very carefully and with as much help as you can find! I couldn’t have moved these three large rocks without the help of my brothers-in-law. The three boulders needed moved about 40-50 feet to their final location as a part of the woodland shade garden for my brother-in-law’s wedding. Thankfully for the three…
Cobblestone Patio Project Update 4
The cobblestone patio is close to finished, very close, but not quite done yet. I had hoped to have the it done before my daughter’s third birthday (this past Wednesday) but Fay had other plans. The rains delayed my work for several days both while it was raining and afterward since I had to wait for the sun to dry…
Feels Like a Fall Morning
This morning’s cool temperatures made it feel like my favorite season is well on its way. Of course autumn is coming but the extra cool August temperatures we’re having have me hoping for an extended fall season. Here’s a look at a few things from around the garden this morning! ‘Arizona Sun’ Gaillardia – Blanket Flower is a good native…
Self Sowing Garden Preparation
It won’t be long before the warm weather approaches (or at least I keep telling myself this) and gardening begins for the 2009 season in earnest. One of the projects I have planned this season is the self sowing garden. A self sowing garden is pretty self explanatory, it has plants that seed themselves year after year without much attention…
Beginning a Nursery Business: Producing Your Plants
If you plan to sell plants you have to have plants to sell right? So how does one go about getting a supply of plants for a nursery business? As plant retailers we really have only two options: produce the plants on our own or buy them from someone else and resell the plants. Both options have some very good…
The Garden Shed – Brick Floor Laying
Finally I braved the harsh August summer elements and trekked out to the garden shed to lay the brick floor down. I didn’t get finished but I did manage to get some important work done like leveling the crushed gravel underneath where the bricks will go. I took a board and a level and made sure that the gravel was…
The Backyard Remodel Tour Part 1
You may have noticed that the daily blogging has slowed down a little bit on weekends. It’s been for a very good reason: The Patio Project. My commenting on other blogs has suffered as well but everything should pick up once the final touches have been made on the backyard remodel. It’s become more than a patio project and really…
Potting Up
I was able to get outside this afternoon and do a little potting with some cuttings that had rooted. It’s a constant process right now since as soon as one batch gets rooted I start some more. You never know if you will have enough! Sometimes you give away the plants to friends and family, other times the little plants…
Tall Ironweed (Vernonia gigantea) Blooming in the Fall
Tall ironweed (Vernonia gigantea) is one of the few non-yellow flowering wildflowers blooming right now here in Tennessee. This extremely tall and purple member of the aster family can be seen throughout roadsides and fields in much of the country during the late summer or early fall. It stands anywhere from 3 feet up to 8 feet tall and occasionally…
Rooting Japanese Dappled Willow Cuttings (Salix integra) In Water
In the world of plants there are few that are easier to root than a willow. Whether you have a weeping willow, contorted willow, or dappled willow they all root very easily. Rooting a dappled willow is extremely simple and can be done in a glass or vase of water. Rooting a Willow Tree To root a willow in most…
My Vegetable Garden Layout Revisited
I suppose it’s human nature to second guess oneself and lately I’ve been wondering if the vegetable garden layout I decided to make was designed the best way. It’s very functional and all the vegetables have been growing wonderfully (until a couple pests came along, but that isn’t related to the garden’s layout.) Aesthetically the layout works well and there…
Fiskars Hatchet and Billhook Review
It isn’t often I have a product to test in my garden where I actually say “Holy crap, this is awesome!” when no one else is around. Really. Products that good are really hard to come by because I’m fairly picky. A few weeks ago I was sent two items from Fiskars to try out. For disclaimer purposes I was…
Plant of the Week:Hemlock
Most people got it right! The correct answer was the hemlock. The Canadian Hemlock or Tsuga canadesis is a great plant to use as an evergreen screen or a specimen tree. It has the potential to grow between 40-70 feet tall and could spread up between 25-35 feet in diameter. Its foliage is soft and feathery unlike many other evergreen…
How’s Your Gardening Niche?
Last year I wrote a post called What is Your Gardening Niche? It was a little post about how every gardener has their one area either of expertise or interest (most likely both) that he or she just can’t get enough of. I remember several people decided to write their own posts based on it like Anna (Flowergardengirl) who wrote…
For Next Year
I know most people have already put their tools away and their beds are ready for winter. It may be too early to even think about next year, but the off season (winter) is planning time for next year. It’s time to figure out what worked for the 2007 season and think about what to plant in 2008. The University…
4 More Easy Plants to Propagate!
It’s almost always true that success in an endeavor brings excitement and enthusiasm for more and I’ve always found this true for plant propagation. If you’ve never tried propagating plants because you think it’s difficult or just too much work then think again! There are all sorts of plants out there that are very easy to propagate and barely require…