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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
The Nashville Music Garden
Here’s a clever idea for a theme garden: A Music Garden! And what better place for a music garden than in Music City, USA (AKA Nashville, TN) the home of country music. An article in today’s Tennessean highlighted this garden that was planted back in the spring with plants named for various songs and music themes. from The Tennessean: for…
Rocky Borders
From my rock haul the other day I managed to finish edging a couple locations in our yard and get a pretty good start on some others. I love using the rocks for my garden borders. Rocks look natural (because they are), they define the garden beds (because they create an edge), and the weed wacker can be used right…
A Quick Update from the Garden
This week has been eventful. I haven’t been able to post much about the garden due to the happenings here but I did want to catch everyone up on how things are growing. Here’s a quick update on the garden. The beans are climbing the bamboo trellis I put together. I gathered it up from a roadside where someone had…
April Garden To-Do List for Zone 7
April is here and with a new month and temperatures warming new garden tasks present themselves! Here is a garden chore list for April in zone 7. If you are in a different zone these items would be offset by a couple weeks. April Garden To Do List Continue sowing seeds indoors for summer crops of vegetables and flowers. It’s…
My Seeds, A Report From a Collecting Addict
Today I sat down during a massive deluge of precipitation and came to a realization, I’m a seed collecting addict. It wasn’t a conscious choice to collect all these seeds, it kind of just happened over time. I counted 53 varieties of vegetables and 16 varieties of herbs. I didn’t even attempt to count the ornamental and flower seeds that…
Do Peppers Have a Gender?
Maybe you’ve seen the picture that is floating around the internet. In the picture there are two peppers. One has three lobes and the other four with captions that claim one is female and the other is male. It also claims that the male produces fewer seeds than the female. This completely incorrect information. In other word the pepper gender…
A Pretty Seedy Garden
‘Autumn Joy’ Sedum seed heads persist through winter. This time of year the flowers are mostly faded and few things have retained enough foliage to be markedly interesting. But those faded flowers have left something behind – seeds! Seeds can do a few of very cool things: They sustain the plant species for the coming year as new plants are…
Heirloom Vegetable Gardening
A couple weeks ago I was sent a copy of William Woys Weaver’s Heirloom Vegetable Gardening from Mother Earth News. I’m always excited to get more information on a favorite subject of mine, vegetables! The book was first published in 1997 and is now available on CD. Unfortunately you don’t get the tactile sensation of reading a book on paper…
Inside the Strawberry Patch
OK it’s not really a strawberry patch as much as it is a raised bed in the vegetable garden that is overflowing with strawberry plants. A couple years ago I planted the bed with these strawberry plants, I believe there were twelve plants total, and let them grow in the bed. I fertilized after their fruiting was complete with an…
Nandina domestica (Heavenly Bamboo)
Nandina domestica, otherwise known as ‘Heavenly Bamboo’, can be an interesting plant to put in your landscape but you may want to think twice before doing so. I’ll explain why in a minute but first let me tell you why so many people like it. It retains its leaves year round, it has bright red berries that are fantastic for…
A Visit to Bountiful Blessings Farm
Over the weekend our family visited Bountiful Blessings Farm here in Middle TN. Bountiful Blessings is in the Williamsport area about 30-40 minutes away from where we live here in Spring Hill. The big draw for us was the strawberries. My mom gave us a couple pints of strawberries from their farm about 2 weeks ago and they were so…
The Tennessee Flood of 2010 Part 1
As I’m sure you are aware by now (especially if you’re in Tennessee) that we have experienced record levels of rainfall with subsequent flooding this past weekend. Unfortunately our internet connection has been down until now and this is the first opportunity I’ve had to post since Friday. Things could have been worse – much worse. I want to say…
Corner Shade Garden: I’ve Got Things To Do
It’s been a while since I posted about the corner shade garden. Last year it really wasn’t anything to write about, it was a mess. I neglected it due to other issues and now comes the time when I need to get it back into shape. A year of neglect in the garden can mean a lot of work later…
Daylily Hybridizing: My First Attempt
I am a self-professed plant propagation nut and therefore I find plant propagation in all it’s forms very interesting. It was inevitable that I’d try my hand at hybridizing and what better place to start than daylilies? Daylilies have easy to find and manipulate reproductive parts (stamens and pistols). The stamen is the male part that contains the pollen and…
Why Pinterest is a Cool Tool for Gardeners
I’m sure you’ve heard about Pinterest by now. If you’re like me you may have thought “that’s just another online time waster.” Or if you’re a guy maybe you thought “that’s just for women!” Well I’ll admit it, those were my first thoughts. Then I began to see people using it and sharing things from it on Facebook or Twitter….
Be Prepared…
Aside from being the Boy Scout Motto, Tennessee gardeners need to be prepared this weekend for some of the coldest temperatures yet this fall. According to the Weather Channel the lows this weekend will be dipping down to a chilly 40 F, 38 F, and will end with a frigid 36 degrees Fahrenheit on Sunday evening. Which means that this…
The Stalwart River Birch (Betula nigra)
Some plants are determined. Something in their genetic make-up decided long ago that nothing would get them down and nothing ever does. Take this river birch (Betula nigra) for instance. I received it from the Arbor Day Foundation but this isn’t one of the 10 “free” trees I received with my donation. I actually purchased this one. It was one…
Herbs in the Vegetable Garden
It’s that planning time of the year still for most plants and I want to mention something I think is important, herbs! Herbs go great in the vegetable garden mixed in with other plants like tomatoes and peppers. As companion plants go herbs are said to prevent various insects from effecting your plants. (Darla had an interesting post about companion…