Coneflowers are one of my favorite perennials. Environmentally there are few things to worry about with them. They are drought tolerant, bloom prolifically, and help to create a beautiful landscape. Unfortunately there is one major issue that can destroy whole gardens of these perennials: Aster Yellows. Recently I filmed a short video on a coneflower in my garden that has Aster Yellows disease. It’s easy to spot. Check out the video below for more information on Aster Yellows disease:
For more gardening videos please subscribe on my Youtube Channel: Growing The Home Garden.
Cause of Aster Yellows Disease

- Phyoplasma causes the deformities
- Leaf hoppers and juice sucking inspects transfer it from plant to plant.
Prevention of Aster Yellows Disease
- Remove infected plants
- Plan your garden plantings with some space between members of the aster family.
If you enjoy coneflowers or are considering adding a few to your garden read this post: Echinacea in the Garden, Why You Should Plant It.