Have you ever wanted to try propagating birch trees from cuttings? The river birch is definitely worth propagating for your garden for many reasons.
- First of all birch trees can be rooted! While I’ve tried propagating several kinds trees unsuccessfully (like maples ~ seeds: no problem ~ cuttings: not so good ) birch trees are one that can be rooted without too much difficulty.
- Secondly birch trees are fast growing trees and you will end up with a sizable tree in just a few short years.
- Birch trees are worthy plants in the landscape for use as privacy screens, in rain gardens, and to create dappled shade.
- They are trees that offer 4 seasons of interest, 3 with nice foliage and 1 with awesome bark!
The one negative from birch trees is that they can become weedy trees with their seedlings although after growing them for many years I’ve rarely ever had birch tree saplings appear. I wish they had!
How to Propagate Birch Trees from Cuttings
What should you looking for when taking a cutting? Two things: the nodes and the bark. I’ve read where you can take greenwood cuttings early in the springtime where the greenwood joins the old wood but I did my cutting a little differently. I took a 4 node cutting from semi-ripe wood in the late summer.

The only problem I can see with this method is encouraging the root system to completely develop before cold temperatures set in for the winter. Fortunately I can nurture this cutting inside the house until its roots are sufficient to move into the garage and then maybe, if I’m daring, I can acclimate it to the great outdoors.
Steps for Propagating Birch Trees
- First I took a 4 node semi-ripe cutting which I cut just below the bottom node. (Semi-ripe would be a cutting that is in the process of changing from green to more brown bark.)
- I left one leaf on the cutting and removed all others.
- I treated the cut end of the cutting with rooting hormone.
- Next I buried the cutting with two of the nodes in the sand inside of a thoroughly cleaned out yogurt cup. Recycled plastic containers are great for plant propagators!
- Then I waited while the cuttings rooted. I kept the rooting mix wet since birch trees like the moisture. Don’t ever let a cutting completely dry out as that will likely mean it will fail.
- I watched for new leaves to form which can be an indicator of good rooting. It isn’t always the case but if you give the cutting a gentle tug and you find resistance you might have roots.

Originally I took about five cuttings from two of my birch trees. Each of the cuttings varied in size and thickness but only one developed a good root system. The birch cutting that rooted was the largest of the group with a diameter about halfway between a toothpick and a pencil. How’s that for a technical measurement? I took the various sized cuttings on purpose to find out what worked, if anything, and then to see what worked best. The next time I take cuttings of birch trees I’ll look for cuttings with similar size and maturity to increase my success rate.
Today I was pretty happy to pot up my newly propagated birch tree. Now I’m curious if hardwood cuttings will work over the winter.
Birch Trees from Seeds
Birch trees can also be started from seeds collected from their catkins. Birch trees are monoecious which means they have separate male and female parts. The seeds disperse in the spring and can be germinated in wet soil very easily.

More Plant Propagation Information from Growing The Home Garden
For some more information on on plant propagation check out the following two pages. One has products you can use to help with propagating plants and growing plants from seed. The other page has many of the other plants I have propagated over the years.
How to Propagate Grape Vines through Greenwood Cuttings
How to Propagate a Deciduous Magnolia Through Layering
Plant By Plant Guide of How to Propagate Plants
Propagating Peppers Through Cuttings
How to Propagate Stevia from Cuttings
Germinating Japanese Maple Seeds in a Plastic Bag
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Nice job! I recently planted a River Birch myself.
Some things I have successfully propagated from cuttings:
Butterfly Bush, McKay's White and Gold Drop Potentilla, American Cranberry Viburnum, Arrowwood Viburnum,Purple Smokebush,Many types of Spirea, Nikko Blue and PeeGee Hydrangea,many varieties of Weigela, and a few others.
Isn't propagation great?
You have managed to get them growing. Just curious – that soil composition for rooting – what is your propotion?
You are really the go-to guy for propagation! I am impressed. I let Mother Nature do my propagating, air-laying some branches of some of my woody shrubs.
I love those viburnums! Of course all the other plants you mention are good ones too. I'll be doing some spirea hardwood cuttings fairly soon.
Propagation is very cool, it's saved me more than a few dollars too!
I mostly use plain sand for propagation but 50-50 sand and peat should work too.
I haven't done much layering since I can make more through cuttings but that's a good way to go!
It seems almost too easy to make more of these. I have one and love it but those sawflies are a problem for it. I think the neatest thing I've propagated are Angel trumpets. I had too many.
Congrats, Dave, great job! I love the 'Heritage' birch and wish I could find a place for one (or two) here.
I don't see sycamore in your list of successful propagation. Have you ever tried them?
That doesn't sound like a bad problem to have too many Angel trumpets!
I would love to have a 'Heritage' river birch but ours are just the species.
I haven't tried Sycamore, mainly because I don't need anymore here we have several. But I was thinking of experimenting with them this winter. They are said to do best from hardwood cuttings taken after leaf fall.
How cool is that? Interesting to see the progression photos. I hope it grows big and strong for you!
I root in 50/50 peat and perlite. Because I have to move the flats, I use the 50/50. I started by using sand, but it gets heavy pretty quick. Nothing wrong with it, just too heavy for my back.
I have not tries Sycamore. I am not sure it would survive here; zone 4.
I have some White Birch Id like to propagate. I am wondering if it would be too late in the year to bother trying. I live in northern Maine so leaves are all gone and winter underway.
They may not do well from hardwood cuttings but I think it's worth a try. Find nearly pencil thickness first year growth and keep them moist in a sand/peat mixture covered until spring. Rooting hormone will help too. Also you could try layering any low hanging branches.
I just set up about 7 River Birch cuttings following your recommendations, but I am not sure where I should place them our house, near a window or in a darker/cooler area? Also, I understand I should tranfer them to larger pot once I see some new leaves (meaning they are rooting), but when do I transfer them to the ground, a certain height or just next spring? Thanks Dave!
Patrick in Wisconsin
Dave how long did it take for your Birch to get roots? Have you ever tried rooting White Birch?