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Maybe One of These Articles from Growing the Home Garden would Interest You?
Cornus Florida at Sunset
In the light of the fading sun the shadows of the dogwood (Cornus florida) flowers rest lightly upon the bracts.
10 Great Ways to Use Your Fall Leaves in the Garden
With fall almost here it’s time to start thinking about gardening chores and the task that most people have to do in some way is deal with the leaves. What do you do with the leaves is an important question. For way too long many people have burned them which to me is the worst possible way to dispose of…
A Weekend Working on the Vegetable Garden
What a weekend! You don’t get weather like we had very often. The thermometer hit the 70’s for the first time in a long while and we took advantage of it. We spent very little time indoors, how could we? After being cooped up in the house since fall any outside opportunity had to be taken. So what did we…
5 Things to Consider Before Planting Plants
Recently I ordered plants (which I’ll cover in another post) and while choosing the plants I used a few criteria to guide my selections. I wouldn’t rule out purchasing plants just because they might miss one or two of these characteristics but I do know that when all five can be found in the same plant I’ve got a winner!…
The Shady Side Garden – Remodeling Begins
I’m only a little of the way into a remodel of our side garden but I thought I’d show you what there is to see so far. Our side garden connects the front yard (and arbor) to the back yard and was designed several years ago to eventually become a shady location for hydrangeas and hostas. Since it takes time…
Garden Tour End June 2020 from Growing the Home Garden
Welcome to the end of June 2020 Garden tour! Our garden is in Middle TN south of Nashville in Zone 7. Check out what is growing today!Cutting Back Miscanthus in the Spring
Among many garden chores that come in spring perhaps the biggest is the trimming of the ornamental grasses. Trimming back perennials can be time consuming but the ornamental grasses can be a bear. It’s not the tiny little hair-like strands of the Nassella tenuissima (Ponytail grass), or the tall and narrow ‘Karl Foerster’ Feather Reed Grasses. The panicums aren’t a…
Garden Blogger Fall Color Project: In the UK
Do you want to dig a little deeper into the science behind the magical fall colors we see each fall? Or maybe you just want to take a peak at the fall show of a Continus coggygria (Smoke Tree). Either way stop over and visit Joco in the UK at Joco Serious. Joco posted a very detailed and thorough explanation…
Wacky Winter Weather
You know the saying “If you don’t like the weather in {Insert your state here}, just wait a few minutes!” In the last two days, and possibly much of January, truer words could not be said about the weather here in Tennessee. Gray skies have been intermittent with occasional sun. The temperatures have been warm, rainy, and much more like…
Things to do In the Vegetable Garden
All this rain has put me behind on planting in the garden. The tomatoes and peppers are doing good but there is more to the garden than tomatoes and peppers! Hopefully this week I’ll get a chance to accomplish a few of these things: Plant my succession crops of beans, corn, squash and zucchini. Build a better trellis for my…
Garden Design Ideas: Salvia with a Red Backdrop
On my trip to the Vizcaya gardens in Miami I saw this salvia (Salvia leucantha/Mexican Bush sage) and thought it was a perfect way to display it – against a red backdrop. This salvia was located in front of a large patio area made from limestone blocks facing Biscayne Bay. The faded red from the side of the patio is…
What’s a Potting Shed Without…
…Pots! This weekend I put together a 5′ by 16″ shelf cabinet in the garden shed designed for storing all those extra pots. Well not all of them – I just have too many – I need more shelves! It’s made from 1″x11″ painted boards and mounted with a 2″x4″ backing. Finish nails and a few screws make it very sturdy….
Frosted in Fall (Photo Post)
This morning we awoke to what is our first hard freeze of the season. Here are a few photos of the frost for your chilly enjoyment! Frost on Grass Frost near the garden shed. Frost on the ‘Shasta’ Viburnum. While you can’t see the frost on the Sweet Autumn Clematis I thought the seed heads were worth a look!
The Battle of Sylvilagus floridanus (Cottontail rabbit)
The battle has just begun. The lines have been drawn and the enemy has been sighted.I began scouting the territory in an attempt to locate the the wily villain and took these pictures. It was a difficult mission.I crept closer and closer to the encampment of the enemy, stopping often to cautiously take reconnaissance pictures. I was afraid of discovery….
Propagating Asclepias incarnata through Cuttings!
I’m always interested in trying to make new plants and recently I decided to give my Asclepias incarnata a try. Asclepias or butterfly weed make great host plants for butterfly larvae. I’ve always assumed that asclepias needed to be grown from seed or from root cuttings but as it turns out they will root easily from stem tip cuttings. I…
Troy-Bilt 3100 PSI Pressure Washer Review (Sponsored)
Disclaimer: The following post is a sponsored review of the Troy-Bilt 3100 PSI Pressure Washer. All opinions are solely the opinion of the author who in exchange for goods and compensation was asked to do this review. There comes a time in the home garden when the house needs some work too. The house is (usually) the biggest structure in…
More Fun With Seedlings!
I’m still playing in the dirt with seedlings! Aren’t you? This week I was excited to see some of my recent plantings begin to emerge from the soil. What is really cool about seed starting is the variety of plants you could potentially grow. Almost anything is possible! It’s also very cool when the plants are shared from another gardener….
What Evergreen Am I?
A little more guessing fun on this first day of winter! Do you know this evergreen tree with the black berries? I’ll give you a hint – I’ve written about it before! No links – that would be too easy! No rhymes either – that would be too cheesy! Oops… Yesterday’s post “What Seeds are We?” were the seeds of the…